Edward’s Smile Lit Up Our Week

On Thursday morning, we experienced one of the most heartwarming surprises.

What seemed like a routine wheelchair delivery turned into the most touching moment of our week.

Edward Hernández, a 14-year-old boy, arrived at our headquarters in Santa Rosa de Copán, carried in the arms of his grandmother, Lidia. They had traveled from a rural community in western Honduras.

Mrs. Lidia and her grandson, who suffers from cerebral palsy and is unable to walk, journeyed 65 kilometers on an intercity bus in search of a wheelchair.

At CAMO, we welcomed them warmly and provided Edward with a wheelchair.

The joy on Mrs. Lidia’s face was evident, but Edward’s happiness was even more profound.

Despite his limited movements, he began to explore his new wheelchair with eyes full of love.

The most emotional moment came when Edward laughed.

Although he cannot speak due to his condition, his face radiated deep gratitude.

Everyone in our reception rejoiced and thanked God for allowing CAMO to bring hope to those in need, thanks to our generous donors.

His grandmother, a housewife, expressed Edward’s joy, sharing how the wheelchair will greatly improve his well-being. Until now, he had spent his days in a small wooden chair, lacking a proper place to rest.

This moment reminded us of the importance of our mission and the difference we can make in people’s lives. Thank you for being a part of this work.

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