CAMO and FAKS Foundation: Prosthetics Changing Children’s Lives

This week, three Honduran children found hope and new opportunities thanks to CAMO’s Prosthetics and Orthotics Program, in collaboration with the FAKS Foundation.

Jairon, a Little Warrior from Trincheras

Jairon Gutiérrez, 8 years old, has been CAMO’s patient since 2021. Originally from a rural community, Jairon faces life with a smile despite his diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.

On June 17, he received Ground Reaction AFO for both legs, improving his ability to walk.

His aunt and guardian, María Deras, emotionally shared his progress and his love for playing with toy cars and painting. However what Jairon enjoys most is eating pancakes, a moment that always brings a smile to his face.

The family hopes these new devices will provide him with more independence and opportunities to continue developing.

Bayron, Fighting to Reclaim His Life

A year ago, Bayron Mejía’s life drastically changed when a work accident cost him his left leg. Bayron suffered an electric shock while working on a construction site in a community in Cucuyagua, leaving him with severe burns and a transfemoral amputation. After months of painful recovery, Bayron came to CAMO seeking a new opportunity.

On June 17, Bayron received his first prosthesis, partially funded by FAKS and his mother’s efforts.

“This is the first time I will use a prosthesis, I feel nervous but very happy,” said Bayron, who now dreams of studying and building a better future.

Johan, Small Steps Toward a Great Future

Orlin Coto, 8 years old, is another example of the positive impact of this partnership; diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Johan has fought against physical limitations with the support of CAMO since 2019.

This year, his old AFOs no longer fit, and they needed to be replaced to continue supporting his mobility.

Thanks to FAKS, Johan received new AFOs that will help him walk better.

His mother, Glenda Mejía, a single mother who works in the coffee harvest, expressed her gratitude for this support. Johan, a boy full of energy who loves playing with his toy car, smiled with joy upon receiving his new devices.

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