CAMO Brings Hope to Piraera Amid Food and Health Crisis

CAMO made a significant donation to the municipality of Piraera, Lempira, addressing the urgent needs of the community.

Piraera, with a population of approximately 20,000 residents, is over 103 kilometers away from the nearest public hospital, a journey that can take up to four hours due to poor road conditions.

The donation, exceeding an investment of $10,000, included non-hospital medical supplies for local health centers.

José Bautista, Director of CAMO Honduras, highlighted that the donated equipment included glucometers, sphygmomanometers, nebulizers, home care equipment, and various supplies for individuals with mobility issues.

Life-Saving Assistance

Additionally, CAMO delivered food ration buckets from the Food Pharmacy project, part of the Nutrition Program, donated from the United States by Apostolic Christian HarvestCall.

In a touching example of the challenges faced by the community, a dedicated nurse in Piraera swapped her shoes for rubber boots to transport an emergency patient to a medical center. She improvised an IV stand using a tree branch. CAMO stepped in, providing crucial supplies and food rations to support this community in crisis. Your support helps us continue making a difference in Honduras!

The mayor of Piraera, Deydin Mendoza, expressed his gratitude for the support received, saying, “CAMO is always there for our municipality during the most difficult times.”

Mendoza detailed that recent rains had left the municipality inaccessible for several days, leading to a critical food shortage.

Mendoza also emphasized the ongoing need to seek medicines and medical supplies in El Salvador due to the lack of healthcare services in Piraera.

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