Nataly Mejía: The Speed Reader and Spelling Champion

Nataly Mejía, a fifth-grade student at a rural school in Corquín, Copán, has demonstrated that she is one of the fastest and most comprehensive readers in her school.

This talent has led her to win spelling competitions, making her an exemplary student in her community.

Nataly, who is about to turn 12, stands out among her peers for her speed reading and comprehension skills.

Her school follows a reading control process, recording the number of words children read per minute and evaluating their reading comprehension as part of their learning process.

This method, implemented with the support of the Honduran Department of Education and CAMO’s Literacy Program, provides 17 schools in western Honduras with educational and reading books, as well as libraries.

Additionally, the Literacy Program evaluates children in ophthalmology, nutrition, dentistry, oral hygiene, and audiometry, identifying and addressing potential health problems that could affect their learning early on.

Thanks to this program, Nataly has been able to develop her reading skills exceptionally.

Her preparation led her to win first place in a municipal-level spelling contest in Corquín, Copán.

Nataly dreams of becoming a professional veterinarian, and her teacher, Jesús Galdámez, proudly stated that “she is a very good student.”

“Every day we have to study, and these books help us a lot,” commented Nataly, grateful for the resources provided by CAMO.

Her teacher explained that the students in his class not only read at school but are also challenged to continue their practice at home, dedicating up to two hours a day to reading.

Nataly’s story is a testament to the positive impact CAMO has on the education and future of children in Honduras.

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