With the recovery of his vision, Marlon Vásquez resumes his dream of working

Your support changes lives. Marlon Vásquez, a young construction worker, saw his work performance deteriorate as he lost his vision due to an eye condition called keratoconus, which severely damaged his eyes.

For 12 years, Marlon walked in fear. He couldn’t leave his house without assistance, as his blurry vision severely limited both his personal life and his ability to work.

Thanks to CAMO’s Eye Program and the Robles Ophthalmology Center, Marlon underwent two eye surgeries. In the most recent operation, he received a corneal transplant in his left eye. This surgery was made possible by a medical team from the University of San Francisco and the Robles Ophthalmology Center, who donated seven corneas and performed transplants for Marlon and six other CAMO patients.

A week after the surgery, Marlon, visibly emotional and more independent, expressed, “Now I am capable of achieving whatever I set my mind to.”

At 27 years old, living in Corquín, Copán, Marlon dreams of advancing in the construction industry now that he is regaining his vision.

This is the true impact of your support to CAMO: providing hope, independence, and new opportunities for people like Marlon.

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