If you wish to leave a gift to CAMO through planned giving please contact us here: and let saving lives be part of your legacy.
Support for the lifesaving work of Central American Medical Outreach. This is a perfect way to retain your assets today with the knowledge that a significant gift will go to CAMO tomorrow.
Every day, CAMO makes a difference, providing health care, education, and so much more to disadvantaged men, women and children in Honduras. We count on your generous contributions so that we can save lives. But did you know that with thoughtful planning, you can advance your own estate planning while helping CAMO to provide essential services, not just now but far into the future?
- If you are interested in any of these options and would like to make CAMO the recipient, please do not hesitate to call our office for more information.
- If you have already made a planned gift to CAMO, please let us know. We want to thank you and ensure your wishes are met. Please contact us here. Information you share will be kept confidential and we respect any decision to remain anonymous.
Through the following Planned Giving options, you can balance your need to provide for loved ones and support the causes that matter most to you, including CAMO.
Income Gifts
Through our partnerships with The Columbus Foundation, Wayne County Community Foundation and The Cleveland Foundation, we can help you with other estate planning options including the following:
Charitable Gift Annuity
A Charitable Gift Annuity yields generous fixed payments for life. If you are 65 or older, a Charitable Gift Annuity can yield tax deductions and pay you high interest income every month for the rest of your life. The payments will never change and will continue for your lifetime. You are entitled to an income tax deduction in the year of your gift. In addition (for a period of time), a portion of each payment may be free of income tax or may be taxed at a capital gains rate. The amount used to fund the gift annuity may be free from gift and estate taxes.
Charitable Trusts
A Charitable Unitrust is a document drawn up by a donor’s attorney whereby cash and securities are then transferred to that trust.
Charitable Lead Trust
Charitable Lead Trusts are designed to reduce the estate tax burden on your heirs. A Charitable Lead Trust this is a planning tool permitted by federal gift and estate tax laws that allow donors to fund a trust which provides a stream of income to CAMO for a single-year term. At the end of the term of trust, the remainder of the trust passes to the donor’s heirs.
Let saving lives be part of your legacy
We welcome the opportunity to review all of the options and discuss how your planned gift can play a meaningful role in your planning and CAMO’s future!
For more information on supporting CAMO, please contact:

- Lisa Lynch, CAP
- Associate Director for Donor Services
- Phone: (614) 251-4014
- www.columbusfoundation.org
- Name Fund: Central American Medical Outreach Growth Fund

- Melanie Reusser-Garcia
- Executive Director
- Phone: (330) 262-3877
- www.waynecountycommunityfoundation.org
- Name Fund: CAMO Opportunity Fund

- Brenda S. Cummins
- Philanthropic Advisor
- Phone: (216) 615-7158
- www.clevelandfoundation.org
- Name Fund: Central American Medical/Education/ Development Fund
Bequests and Wills
A bequest is a gift through your will or living trust that costs you nothing now but provides support to us after your lifetime. Bequests offer flexibility and can be structured to fit your personal situation. The gift is revocable, so you can change your mind at any time should your circumstances change. Through our partnerships with The Columbus Foundation and the Wayne County Community Foundation, we can help you leave a gift to CAMO through a bequest or will.
Beneficiary Designations
You can include CAMO in your estate settlement process by making CAMO a beneficiary of the following:
IRAs and Retirement Accounts and Annuities
Donations of retirement account assets are among the most tax-smart gifts you can make to CAMO. If you choose to contribute all or part of these assets to CAMO, our status as a nonprofit organization means that we can use 100 percent of your gift to support our lifesaving work.
Life Insurance Policies
A life insurance policy may provide a way for you to make a much larger contribution to CAMO’s lifesaving initiatives – more than you ever thought possible:
- Name CAMO as the recipient of all or part of the proceeds of a life insurance policy.
- Contribute a paid-up policy during your lifetime.
- Purchase a new life insurance policy in which you name CAMO as owner and beneficiary or co-beneficiary.
After-tax Investment Accounts e.g. Brokerage, Mutual Fund or Savings Accounts
Assets through Payable/Transfer-on-Death gifts can be directed to CAMO from your estate and bypass probate.
Personal Property and Real Estate
Tangible Personal Property
When you donate collectibles, rare books, coin or stamp collections, jewelry, artwork, electronics, office equipment, automobiles or more routine household items that were owned more than one year, you can claim a full deduction for the fair market value of the property if the items are used in connection with CAMO’s main activity or tax-exempt purpose. If CAMO sells the donated tangible personal property item, your deduction is limited to your costs basis in the property (what you paid for it, rather than its appreciated value).
Real Estate
Gifting real estate – including homes and commercial property – to CAMO makes sense when:
- The property in question has significant long-term appreciation, and
- The property is relatively easy for CAMO to liquidate.
You must obtain a qualified appraisal for the real estate that is contributed during the tax year. With real estate, you can also donate a remainder interest, in other words, you can donate your house (or farm) and reserve the right to live there for your lifetime.
Deferred Gift Annuity (DGA)
At a young age, you can start your retirement planning to supplement existing retirement assets. A DGA is most beneficial to donors who already have made the maximum contributions to their existing retirement plans. If you are 50 years old for example, you can plan for retirement by opening a Deferred Gift Annuity. This will give you an immediate tax deduction, and by the time you are 65, you will earn income as high as 12.8% a year. At age 65, you will be paid a fixed amount of income on a regular basis. Part of this gift qualifies for an immediate income tax deduction which will reduce your current taxes. The full value of the gift is removed from your estate. The younger you are, the larger the tax-deductible portion of the gift. Part of the annuity payment may be received as tax-free income.
Many donors create Deferred Gift Annuities on an annual basis to build retirement assets. The donor may name a joint and successor beneficiary who will receive the annuity at the end of the donor’s lifetime, beginning on the date of the donor’s 65th birthday or thereafter.