Infographic 2016-2017
25 years of service and the impact is amazing. CAMO at a glance 2016-2017 is a summary of our support…
CAMO provides more than 174,408 life-saving services each year to impoverished people who otherwise would not have access to aid.
“As a Peace Corps nurse, I witnessed 31 babies die in one month as a result of not having the supplies, equipment and educated staff to save them. I cannot bring back those 31 babies, but today…infants and adults are being saved daily due to the CAMO model.”
– Kathryn Tschiegg, Founder
25 years of service and the impact is amazing. CAMO at a glance 2016-2017 is a summary of our support…
This Annual Report is our opportunity to express our gratitude for your generosity. It is a chance for you to…
Gratitude to all of you who make these services and miracles possible, I am humbled by the kind hearts which…